Martha Thrun

Being a twin is such a gift. I've had a built-in best friend since the day I was born: someone who pushes me in every virtue I lack, and who I’ve shared everything with, even memories. No one can bring me joy like my twin can.

 All of my childhood memories have Mary in them. The longest period of time that we were separated was four weeks during our Junior year of high school. College was the first time we didn’t room together and were on different sports teams. Even though we weren't together all the time, we still felt the need to call each other every night to talk about our day. It’s almost like my day isn’t complete until I share it with Mary. 

People ask me all the time, “if one of you is in pain can the other feel it?” This is obviously just a myth, but there’s a level of truth to it. You share in the pain of anyone you love or are close to. In 8th grade, Mary broke her knee in a basketball game. It was a terrible break and she was in bed for a couple of months before and after surgery. I remember walking around the house and subconsciously dodging the house furniture from my left knee. I would have to mentally remind myself that it was Mary’s knee that was hurt, not my own. But the person I loved was hurting, so it was always at the forefront of my mind. 

While not all twins have the same tight-knit relationship Mary and I have, we’ve always had similar friends, hobbies, and interests. We both love to crochet, play basketball, cook, and even attend the same university. However, even with all these similarities, we’re still very different. I am much more outdoorsy, and love camping and hiking, while Mary loves to play guitar, sing, and is much more stylish. 

Mary has such a strong and confident personality, which has profoundly inspired my spiritual life. She teaches me to be courageous, and to not be afraid of sticking up for myself and the faith. Praying together as sisters and challenging each other in virtue leaves no room for excuses. You constantly have someone keeping you accountable, but who also will be there to pick you up, knowing when you’re in need. It’ll be interesting to see how our relationship grows and changes when we both discover our vocations, but I look forward to every step of the journey!